現在のページは、ホームの中の探るの中のMemoirs of the Ancient Orient Museumです。

Memoirs of the Ancient Orient Museum

The volumes of the Memoirs are scientific publications that report the results of our archaeological investigations and art-historical studies.


Vol. IV
【In Stock】

Excavations at Tell Ali al-Hajj, Rumeilah: A Bronze-Iron Age Settlement on Syrian Euphrates

edited by Keiko Ishida, Makiko Tsumura, and Hidetoshi Tsumoto

After thirty years of our museum's and collaborators' investigation, the final excavation report of Tell Ali al-Hajj (also called Tell Rumeilah) is now available!
This volume presents many important results on the architecture, artifacts (ceramics, clay objects, house models, metal, bone, and stone objects), and the basic chronology of this small, but long-inhabited site. Combined with the archaeological findings, additional scientific analyses including AMS carbon datings provide further insights into this village on the Euphrates. In this sense this volume will contribute to the understanding not only of a Bronze-Iron Age local community but of Mesopotamian history on the whole.

The Ancient Orient Museum, 2014.
8 colour plates, xxi + 386 pages, softcover A4
¥ 10,000 (domestic/overseas, tax + postage not included)
ISBN: 978-4-906127-04-7

Vol. III【In Stock】

Tell Mastuma: an Iron Age Settlement in Northwest Syria

edited by Takuya Iwasaki, Shigeo Wakita, Keiko Ishida, and Hisahiko Wada

The excavations at Tell Mastuma, northwestern Syria, were carried out by the Ancient Orient Museum from 1980 to 1995. Our researches at the settlement illuminated thick layers of occupation from Neolithic and Early Bronze Age up to the Achaemenid Period. This final report primarily focuses on a small Iron Age town and many aspects of its material culture, including scientific analyses.

The Ancient Orient Museum, 2009.
10 colour plates, xvii + 572 pages, softcover A4
¥15,000 (domestic/overseas, postage not included)
ISBN: 978-4-906127-03-0

Vol. II【In Stock】

Sculptures of Commagene Kingdom

edited by Katsumi Tanabe, with contributions by Akira Hori, Saeko Miyashita, and Mitsuru Haga.

The Kingdom of Commagene was a small Hellenistic dynasty centred around ancient Samosata, Eastern Anatolia (modern Turkey), from the second century BC to the first century AD. Numerous Greco-Persian sculpture reliefs remained more or less intact at the sites like Nemrut Dağı and Arsameia am Nymphaios, which in 1986/1987 the Ancient Orient Museum attempted to document photographically in light of art-historical perspectives. The volume contains many detailed photographs mostly in monochrome.

The Ancient Orient Museum, 1998.
xiv + 175 pages, hardcover A4
¥7,000. (domestic/overseas, postage not included)
ISBN: 4-906127-01-0 C3322

Vol. I【In Stock】

Sculptures of Palmyra

edited by Katsumi Tanabe

Ancient Palmyra, flourished as one of the Greco-Roman caravan cities in the middle of the Syrian Desert, accumulated overwhelming wealths both from the West and the East. Based on such wealths, the city dwellers left us a wide range of funerary sculptures. This first Memoir compiles more than 400 monochrome plates of monumental architectures, various tombs, decorated steles, votive reliefs, and statues, each with short descriptions.

The Ancient Orient Museum, 1986.
499 pages, hardcover A4
¥20,000. (domestic/overseas, postage not included)
ISBN: 4-906127-002-0 C3322

ご購入について | How to Order


古代オリエント博物館が発行している『ORIENTE』『古代オリエント博物館紀要』『Memoirs of the Ancient Orient Museum』のご購入を希望される方は、こちらからお申し込みいただくか、当館ミュージアムショップにてお買い求めください。

All of our publications, including "ORIENTE" "Bulletin of Ancient Orient Museum" "Memoirs of the Ancient Orient Museum", and other publications, can be purchased either at the Museum Shop, or by order request via e-mail (museum@orientmuseum.com : input an 'at sign' when you mail us).

Brouse other publications and exhibition catalogues (Japanese only)

  • 常設展 - タイムスリップ!古代オリエントの世界 ―人類文明の発祥の地、古代オリエント― 悠久の歴史のなかに生きた古代人の考古遺物や美術をとおして 豊饒のオリエント世界へようこそ!
  • 古代オリエント博物館“友の会”のご案内 - 多くの展覧会・催しへの参加をご希望の方は特典満載の友の会がおすすめです。
  • パルミラ遺跡写真アーカイヴ


ご購入について How to Order

古代オリエント博物館が発行している『ORIENTE』『古代オリエント博物館紀要』『Memoirs of the Ancient Orient Museum』のご購入を希望される方は、こちらからお申し込みいただくか、当館ミュージアムショップにてお買い求めください(FAX・郵便でのお申し込みはご返信が遅れる場合があります。ご了承ください)。
HOW TO ORDER: All of our publications, including "ORIENTE" "Bulletin of Ancient Orient Museum" "Memoirs of the Ancient Orient Museum", and other publications, can be purchased either at the Museum Shop, or by order request via e-mail(representative: museum@orientmuseum.com).

Brouse other publications and exhibition catalogues (Japanese only)